
Add Multiple users

To add multiple users, follow these steps:

1. In Excel, create a spreadsheet with the following column headings:

■ User Name
■ First Name
■ Last Name
■ Display Name
■ Job Title
■ Department
■ Office Number
■ Office Phone
■ Mobile Phone
■ Fax
■ Address
■ City
■ State or Province
■ Postal Code
■ Country or Region

2. Populate the spreadsheet with the information for each person you want to add. The User Name and Display Name fields are required for each user. To leave other fields blank, enter a space followed by a comma. When you’re finished, save the spreadsheet.

3. In the Office 365 Admin Center, click Users and then Active Users in the pane on the left. Then click the Add Users button (the button with two people and a plus sign).

4. The Bulk Add Users Wizard starts. On the Select A CSV File page, click the Browse button and locate and select the spreadsheet you created in steps 1 and 2. Then click Next.

5. The wizard verifies that the entries in the spreadsheet are formatted correctly. If there are no errors, click Next. (If there are errors, view the verification log, and then correct the errors in your spreadsheet.)

6. On the Settings page, click Allowed. Then click the Select A Location drop-down list and click the country or region where these users are located. Finally, click Next.

TIP If you want to enter users from multiple countries/regions, you must create a spreadsheet for each country/region and run the Bulk Add Users Wizard for each spreadsheet.

7. On the Assign Licenses page, click the licenses you want to apply for the individuals listed in your spreadsheet. Then click Next.

8. On the Send Results In Email page, enter the email address of anyone who should receive a list of these new users, along with their temporary passwords, via email. Then click Create. The list is emailed to the address you specified.

9. The Results page lists the users whose accounts were created and their temporary passwords. Click Close to close the wizard.

10. Notify each user that his or her account has been created and supply each user with his or her temporary password.

NOTE If you want to notify users via email that their accounts have been created, be sure to use email addresses to which the users currently have access. Don’t send them to their new Office 365 email addresses.

Sometimes a user’s information changes. For example, a user might get married and change his or her name. Fortunately, editing a user account to reflect this and other changes is simple. To edit a user account, sign in to your Office 365 account and open the Admin Center.

Then follow these steps:

1. In the Office 365 Admin Center, click Users and then Active Users in the pane on the left.

2. On the page that appears, click the user whose account you want to edit. Then click Edit.

3. The Details page appears. If the information on this page is OK as is, click Save. If you need to change any information on this page, do so before you click Save.

4. Click Settings. Follow the same procedure as with the Details page.

5. On the Licenses page, retain, replace, or add licenses as needed. Then click Save.

If a user leaves your organization, you should delete his or her account. Not only will this prevent the departed employee from accessing the account, it will free up the associated license for a new user. To delete a user account, sign in to your Office 365 account and open the Admin Center.

Then follow these steps:

1. In the Office 365 Admin Center, click Users and then Active Users in the pane on the left.

2. On the page that appears, click the user whose account you want to delete. Then click Delete.

3. In the confirmation message that appears, click Yes.


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