
Add and Edit an Asset

Add an asset to a document

You can insert most assets into a document by dragging them into Code view or Design view in the Document window, or by using the Insert button in the Assets panel. You can either insert colors and URLs or apply them to selected text in Design view. (URLs can also be applied to other elements in Design view, such as images.)

To add an asset to a document: 

1. Start Dreamweaver. 

2. In Design view, place the insertion point where you want the asset to appear. 

3. In the Assets panel, select from the asset category buttons at the left. 

Note: Select any category except Templates. A template is applied to an entire document; it can’t be inserted into a document. 

4. Select either Site or Favorites at the top of the panel, then select the asset. 

5. Do one of the following: 

• Drag the asset from the panel to the document. You can drag scripts into the head content area of the Document window; if that area isn’t visible, select View > Head Content. 

• Select the asset in the panel and click the Insert button. If the inserted asset is a color, it applies to text appearing after the insertion point.

6. If you are adding an image asset, and enabled Accessibility preferences (Edit > Preferences > Accessibility in Windows, Dreamweaver > Preferences > Accessibility in Mac OS), you will be presented with the Image Tag Accessibility Attributes dialog box. Enter a description of the image in the Alternate Text box.

Edit an asset

When you edit an asset in the Assets panel, the behavior varies according to the asset type. For some assets, such as images, you use an external editor, which opens automatically if you have defined an editor for that asset type. You can edit colors and URLs in the Favorites list only. When you edit templates and library items, you make the changes within Dreamweaver.

1. In the Assets panel, do one of the following:

• Double-click the asset.
• Select the asset, then click the Edit button.

Note: If the asset must be edited in an external editor and one doesn’t open automatically, select Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Dreamweaver > Preferences (Mac OS), select the File Types/Editors category, and define an external editor for that asset type.

2. Make your changes. For example, in Figure 4, Fireworks opens in order to edit a selected button asset.

3. When you finish, do one of the following:

• If the asset is file-based (anything other than a color or URL), save it (in the editor you used), and close the external editor.
• If the asset is a URL, click OK in the Edit URL dialog box.

Note: If the asset is a color, the color picker closes automatically after you pick a color. To dismiss the color picker without picking a color, press Esc. The file is saved and updated within the Assets panel.


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