
Website Design the Latest Trends

The advent of Internet marks the beginning of history of web designing. Tim Burners Lee, the founder of Internet took the initiative to upload the first page on the web server. Since then a web page with a single document evolved itself to complicated combination of codes and designs. The first page on the web was a document created with black text. Later in 1990, text effects were added to the pages and colors were also used for page designing.

The Internet boom enhanced the evolution of web design. Every few years the trend of web design changes. Once the web pages came out from the confinement of black text, a number of colors came to be used which actually caused distraction of the users from the original products. Use of crammed information on web pages soon made the readers tired.

Soon afterwards, use of HTML, DHTML and Flash for designing web pages became a trend. At that time, table based layouts were in vogue. But since the complicated web pages involved writing many codes, very soon Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) came to be used to ease this problem.

A mature and professional get up of web sites is what readers prefer. Use of more content and comparatively lesser designs on web pages is the modern trend of web design. The visitors seek sufficient information related to the products rather than getting irritated or distracted by web designs.

Recently a number of trends have been adopted for web design. Some of the popular ones are as follows:

Silver Orange Style - this style is simple and easy to handle. The designs do not employ too many colors.
Web Desktop Style - this is one of the latest trend employed for web designing. This type of web designing is quite expensive.
Apple Style - this kind of web design is also costly but is a very distinctive one.
Microsoft Style - this is a latest web design trend. But it is seldom used.

A user while browsing web sites, quickly takes a decision whether to explore a site further or to move on to some another by its design and presentation of content. Thus the web design should be such as to impress the user at the very first visit. In recent days, the moot aim is to attract visitors to a site and to retain them.

For this purpose, the general trends of web design that are followed in the recent days are:

• Plenty of white space is kept on the pages
• Strong colors are used
• Trendy icons are used
• Big and easily readable text is used
• Use of 3D effects
• Choosing neutral and soft colors for background
• Centered orientation
• Simple layout for pages
• More stress on content than page design


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