
Free HRM Course-Role of HR Manager

Human Resources Manager plays a vital role in the modem organization. He plays various strategic roles at different levels in the organization. The roles of the HR Manager include roles of conscience, of a counsellor, a mediator, a company spokesman, a problem solver and a change agent.

• The Conscience Role: The conscience role is that of a humanitarian who reminds the management of its morals and obligations to its employees.

• The Counsellor: Employees who are dissatisfied with the present job approach the HR manager for counselling. In addition, employees facing various problems like marital, health, children education/marriage, mental, physical and career also approach the HR managers. The HR Manager counsels and consults the employees and offers suggestions to solve/overcome the problems.

• The Mediator: As a mediator, the HR manager plays the role of a peace-maker. He settles the disputes between employees and the management. He acts as a liaison and communication link between both of them.

• The Spokesman: He is a frequent spokesman for or representative of the company.

• The Problem-solver: He acts as a problem solver with respect to the issues that involve human resources management and overall long range organizational planning.

• The Change Agent: He acts as a change agent and introduces changes in various existing programmes.

He also performs various other roles like welfare role, clerical role and fire-fighting role as indicated in figure above.


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